Addressing Youth Challenges: The 360 Climate Institutes Solution

Alcoholism   Substance abuse Unemployment Lack of practical skills  Access barriers to skill acquisition


In Murang’a, the youth face a myriad of challenges, from unemployment to mental health issues. Recognizing the urgency of addressing these issues, 360 Climate Institutes has developed a comprehensive approach to empower the youth and foster sustainable change in our community.

Challenges Faced by Youth in Murang’a:

  • Alcoholism and Substance Abuse

  • Unemployment

  • Lack of Practical Skills for Sustainable Livelihoods

  • Access Barriers to Skill Acquisition, including financial constraints and academic requirements

  • Mental Health Issues leading to suicide, criminal activities, and community conflicts

A 360 Degrees Approach

At 360 Climate Institutes, we adopt a holistic approach to address these challenges, focusing on environmental stewardship, climate change awareness, and breaking barriers to youth empowerment

Environmental Stewardship & Climate Change

Indifference and lack of awareness about climate change among the youth and community at large have exacerbated environmental degradation. To combat this, we have developed innovative solutions, including the 360 Green App, to engage and empower the youth in environmental conservation efforts.

Our approach emphasizes

  • Involving youth in climate change initiatives through interactive programs like gaming and animations

  •  Cultivating a culture of tree planting and nurturing through the “adopt & nurture a tree” program facilitated by the 360 Green App

Breaking Barriers to Youth Empowerment

360 Climate Institutes is committed to removing obstacles hindering youth empowerment. Our programs offer practical skills training without financial barriers or minimum academic requirements, ensuring accessibility and inclusivity for all youth.

Our initiatives include:

  • Providing free skills training with an emphasis on practical experience

  • Fostering a supportive learning environment where students are encouraged to excel based on their abilities rather than academic qualifications


360 Climate Institutes is dedicated to creating positive change in Murang’a by empowering its youth and fostering environmental sustainability. Through our comprehensive approach, we aim to equip young people with the tools and knowledge they need to thrive in today’s
challenging world. Together, we can build a brighter future for generations to come.

Contact us

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